Package: CNAIM 2.1.4

Mohsin Vindhani

CNAIM: Common Network Asset Indices Methodology (CNAIM)

Implementation of the CNAIM standard in R. Contains a series of algorithms which determine the probability of failure, consequences of failure and monetary risk associated with electricity distribution companies' assets such as transformers and cables. Results are visualized in an easy-to-understand risk matrix.

Authors:Emil Larsen [aut], Kalle Hansen [aut], Kenneth Rosenorn [aut], Peter Larsen [aut], Utiligize ApS [cph], Mohsin Vindhani [aut, cre]

CNAIM.pdf |CNAIM.html
CNAIM/json (API)

# Install 'CNAIM' in R:
install.packages('CNAIM', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 20 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 20 2025
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R-4.3-winOKFeb 20 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 20 2025




Rendered fromcnaim.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 20 2025.

Last update: 2022-06-16
Started: 2020-09-07

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Initial Ageing Ratebeta_1
Forecast Ageing Ratebeta_2
Consequences of Failurecof
Consequences of Failure for a 0.4/10 kV transformercof_transformer_04_10kv
Consequences of Failure for a 6.6/11 kV transformercof_transformer_11kv
Current Health scorecurrent_health
DGA Test Modifierdga_test_modifier
Duty Factor for all cables (incl. submarine cables).duty_factor_cables
Duty Factor for 6.6/11kV and 20kV Transformersduty_factor_transformer_11_20kv
Duty Factor for 33/10kV and 66/10kV Transformers and Tapchangerduty_factor_transformer_33_66kv
Environmental Consequences of Failure for transformerse_cof_tf
Environmental cost of Failure for 0.4kV Boardenvironmental_cof_board_04kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 0.4kV and 10kV UG Cablesenvironmental_cof_cables_04_10kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 30-60 kV UG cablesenvironmental_cof_cables_60_30kv
Environmental cost of Failure for EHV UG cables & 132 kV UG cablesenvironmental_cof_ehv_cables
Environmental cost of Failure for EHV/132kV fittingsenvironmental_cof_ehv_fittings
Environmental cost of Failure for EHV swicthgear & 132kV CBenvironmental_cof_ehv_switchgear
Environmental cost of Failure for HV switchgear distributionenvironmental_cof_hv_switchgear_distribution
Environmental cost of Failure for HV switchgear primaryenvironmental_cof_hv_switchgear_primary
Environmental cost of Failure for LV swicthgear and othersenvironmental_cof_lv_switchgear_and_other
Environmental cost of Failure for LV UGBenvironmental_cof_lv_ugb
Environmental cost of Failure for Overhead line conductorsenvironmental_cof_ohl_cond
Environmental cost of Failure for 50kV Overhead Line Conductorsenvironmental_cof_ohl_cond_50kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 50kV Fittingsenvironmental_cof_ohl_fittings_50kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 0.4kv Pillarenvironmental_cof_pillar_04kv
Environmental cost of Failure for Polesenvironmental_cof_poles
Environmental cost of Failure for Poles OHL Support 50kVenvironmental_cof_poles_ohl_support_50kv
Environmental cost of Failure for Relaysenvironmental_cof_relay
Environmental cost of Failure for Service Linesenvironmental_cof_serviceline
Environmental cost of Failure for sub cablesenvironmental_cof_sub_cables
Environmental cost of Failure for 10kV Submarine Cablesenvironmental_cof_submarine_10kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Submarine Cablesenvironmental_cof_submarine_30_60kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Switchgearenvironmental_cof_switchgear_30_60kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Primaryenvironmental_cof_switchgear_primary_10kv
Environmental cost of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Secondaryenvironmental_cof_switchgear_secondary_10kv
Environmental cost of Failure for Tower OHL Support 50 kVenvironmental_cof_tower_ohl_support_50kv
Environmental cost of Failure for towersenvironmental_cof_towers
Environmental cost of Failure for 30/10kV and 60/10kV Transformersenvironmental_cof_transformer_30_60kv
Environmental cost of Failure for Transformersenvironmental_cof_transformers
Expected Lifeexpected_life
Financial Consequences of Failure for a 6.6/11 kV Transformerf_cof_transformer_11kv
Oil Test Modifierffa_test_modifier
Financial cost of Failure for 0.4kV Boardfinancial_cof_board_04kv
Financial cost of Failure for 0.4kV and 10kV UG Cablesfinancial_cof_cables_04_10kv
Financial cost of Failure for 30-60 kV UG cablesfinancial_cof_cables_60_30kv
Financial cost of Failure for EHV UG cables & 132 kV UG cablesfinancial_cof_ehv_cables
Financial cost of Failure for EHV/132kV fittingsfinancial_cof_ehv_fittings
Financial cost of Failure for EHV swicthgear & 132kV CBfinancial_cof_ehv_switchgear
Financial cost of Failure for HV swicthgear distributionfinancial_cof_hv_switchgear_distribution
Financial cost of Failure for HV swicthgear primaryfinancial_cof_hv_switchgear_primary
Financial cost of Failure for LV swicthgear and othersfinancial_cof_lv_switchgear_and_other
Financial cost of Failure for LV UGBfinancial_cof_lv_ugb
Financial cost of Failure for Overhead Line Conductorsfinancial_cof_ohl_cond
Financial cost of Failure for 50kV Overhead Line Conductorsfinancial_cof_ohl_cond_50kv
Financial cost of Failure for 50kV Fittingsfinancial_cof_ohl_fittings_50kv
Financial cost of Failure for 0.4kV Pillarfinancial_cof_pillar_04kv
Financial cost of Failure for Polesfinancial_cof_poles
Financial cost of Failure for Poles OHL Support 50kVfinancial_cof_poles_ohl_support_50kv
Financial cost of Failure for Relaysfinancial_cof_relay
Financial cost of Failure for Service Linesfinancial_cof_serviceline
Financial cost of Failure for Sub cablesfinancial_cof_sub_cables
Financial cost of Failure for 10kV Submarine Cablesfinancial_cof_submarine_cables_10kv
Financial cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Submarine Cablesfinancial_cof_submarine_cables_30_60kv
Financial cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Switchgearfinancial_cof_switchgear_30_60kv
Financial cost of Failure for 10kV Swicthgear Primaryfinancial_cof_switchgear_primary_10kv
Financial cost of Failure for 10 kV Swicthgear Secondaryfinancial_cof_switchgear_secondary_10kv
Financial cost of Failure for Tower OHL Support 50 kVfinancial_cof_tower_ohl_support_50kv
Financial cost of Failure for Towersfinancial_cof_towers
Financial cost of Failure for 30/10 kV and 60/10 kV Transformersfinancial_cof_transformer_30_60kv
Financial cost of Failure for Transformersfinancial_cof_transformers
Health Score Factor for all Assets Categories excl. EHV and 132kV Transformershealth_score_excl_ehv_132kv_tf
Initial Healthinitial_health
Location Factor (Excl.Submarine Cables)location_factor
Location Factor (Excl.Submarine Cables)location_factor_sub
Adjust circles for matrix visualizationmatrix_adjusted_circles
Adjust banding for matrix visualizationmatrix_adjusted_intervals
Maximum and Multiple Increment (MMI) Techniquemmi
Network cost of Failure for all Assets Categories excl. EHV and 132kV Transformersn_cof_excl_ehv_132kv_tf
Network cost of Failure for 0.4kV Boardnetwork_cof_board_04kv
Network cost of Failure for 0.4kV and 10kV UG Cablesnetwork_cof_cables_04_10kv
Network cost of Failure for 30-60 kV UG cablesnetwork_cof_cables_60_30kv
Network cost of Failure for EHV UG cabkes & 132 kV UG cablesnetwork_cof_ehv_cables
Network cost of Failure for EHV/132kV Fittingsnetwork_cof_ehv_fittings
Network cost of Failure for Polesnetwork_cof_ehv_pole
Network cost of Failure for EHV /132 kV sub cablesnetwork_cof_ehv_sub_cable
Network cost of Failure for EHV swicthgear & 132kV CBnetwork_cof_ehv_switchgear
Network cost of Failure for LV,HV,EHV Polesnetwork_cof_hv_lv_poles
Network cost of Failure for HV Sub cablesnetwork_cof_hv_sub_cables
Network cost of Failure for HV Switchgear distributionnetwork_cof_hv_switchgear_distribution
Network cost of Failure for HV Switchgear Primarynetwork_cof_hv_switchgear_primary
Network cost of Failure for LV swicthgear and othersnetwork_cof_lv_switchgear_and_other
Network cost of Failure for LV UGBnetwork_cof_lv_ugb
Network cost of Failure for Overhead Line Conductorsnetwork_cof_ohl_cond
Network cost of Failure for 50kV Overhead Line Conductorsnetwork_cof_ohl_cond_50kv
Network cost of Failure for 50kV Fittingsnetwork_cof_ohl_fittings_50kv
Network cost of Failure for 0.4kV Pillarnetwork_cof_pillar_04kv
Network cost of Failure for Poles OHL Support 50kVnetwork_cof_poles_ohl_support_50kv
Network cost of Failure for Relaysnetwork_cof_relay
Network cost of Failure for Service Linesnetwork_cof_serviceline
Network cost of Failure for 10kV Submarine Cablesnetwork_cof_submarine_cables_10kv
Network cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Submarine Cablesnetwork_cof_submarine_cables_30_60kv
Network cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Switchgearnetwork_cof_switchgear_30_60kv
Network cost of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Primarynetwork_cof_switchgear_primary_10kv
Network cost of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Secondarynetwork_cof_switchgear_secondary_10kv
Network cost of Failure for Towersnetwork_cof_tower
Network cost of Failure for Tower OHL Support 50 kVnetwork_cof_tower_ohl_support_50kv
Network cost of Failure for 30/10kV and 60/10kV Transformersnetwork_cof_transformer_30_60kv
Network cost of Failure for Transformersnetwork_cof_transformers
Oil Test Modifieroil_test_modifier
Plot of probability of failureplot_pof
Current Probability of Failure for 132kV Switchgearpof_132kv_cb
Current Probability of Failure for 0.4kV Boardpof_board_04kv
Current Probability of Failure for Primary Substation Building and Secondary Substation Building.pof_building
Current Probability of Failure for 0.4kV UG PEX Non Pressurised Cablespof_cables_04kv_pex
Current Probability of Failure for 10kV UG Oil Non Preesurised Cables (Armed Paper Lead)pof_cables_10kv_oil
Current Probability of Failure for 10kV UG PEX Non Pressurised Cablespof_cables_10kv_pex
Current Probability of Failure for 132kV cablespof_cables_132kv
Current Probability of Failure for 30-60kV cablespof_cables_60_30kv
Current Probability of Failure for 33-66kV cablespof_cables_66_33kv
Current Probability of Failure for EHV/132kV Fittingspof_ehv_fittings
Current Probability of Failure for EHV Switchgearpof_ehv_switchgear
Future Probability of Failure for 0.4kV Boardpof_future_board_04kv
Future Probability of Failure for Primary Substation Building and Secondary Substation Building.pof_future_building
Future Probability of Failure for 0.4kV UG PEX Non Pressurised Cablespof_future_cables_04kv_pex
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV UG Oil Non Preesurised Cables (Armed Paper Lead)pof_future_cables_10kv_oil
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV UG PEX Non Pressurised Cablespof_future_cables_10kv_pex
Future Probability of Failure for 132kV cablespof_future_cables_132kv
Future Probability of Failure for 30-60kV cablespof_future_cables_60_30kv
Future Probability of Failure for 33-66kV cablespof_future_cables_66_33kv
Future Probability of Failure for Meterspof_future_meter
Future Probability of Failure for 33-132kV OHL Conductorspof_future_ohl_cond_132_66_33kv
Future Probability of Failure for 50kV OHL Conductorspof_future_ohl_cond_50kv
Future Probability of Failure for 50 kV Fittingspof_future_ohl_fittings_50kv
Future Probability of Failure for 0.4kV Pillarpof_future_pillar_04kv
Future Probability of Failure for Polespof_future_poles
Future Probability of Failure for Poles OHL support 50 kVpof_future_poles_ohl_support_50kv
Future Probability of Failure for Relaypof_future_relay
Future Probability of Failure for RTUpof_future_rtu
Future Probability of Failure for Service Linepof_future_serviceline
Future Probability of Failure for Submarine Cablespof_future_submarine_cables
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV Oil Submarine Cablespof_future_submarine_cables_10kv_oil
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV Non Pressurised submarine cablespof_future_submarine_cables_10kv_pex
Future Probability of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Oil Submarine Cablespof_future_submarine_cables_30_60kv_oil
Future Probability of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Non Pressurised Submarine Cablespof_future_submarine_cables_30_60kv_pex
Future Probability of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Switchgearpof_future_switchgear_30_60kv
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Primarypof_future_switchgear_primary_10kv
Future Probability of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Secondarypof_future_switchgear_secondary_10kv
Future Probability of Failure for 0.4/10kV Transformerspof_future_transformer_04_10kv
Future Probability of Failure for 6.6/11kV and 20kV Transformerspof_future_transformer_11_20kv
Future Probability of Failure for 132kV Transformerspof_future_transformer_132kv
Future Probability of Failure for 30/10kV and 60/10kV Transformerspof_future_transformer_30_60kv
Future Probability of Failure for 33/10kV and 66/10kV Transformerspof_future_transformer_33_66kv
Current Probability of Failure for HV Switchgear Distributionpof_hv_switchgear_distribution
Current Probability of Failure for HV Switchgear Primarypof_hv_switchgear_primary
Current Probability of Failure for LV switchgear and otherspof_lv_switchgear_and_other
Current Probability of Failure for LV UGBpof_lv_ugb
Current Probability of Failure for Meterspof_meter
Current Probability of Failure for 33-132kV OHL Conductorspof_ohl_cond_132_66_33kv
Current Probability of Failure for Polespof_poles
Current Probability of Failure for Submarine Cablespof_submarine_cables
Current Probability of Failure for 10 kV Switchgear (GM) Primarypof_switchgear_primary_10kv
Current Probability of Failure for 10kV Switchgear secondarypof_switchgear_secondary_10kV
Current Probability of Failure for Towers OHL support 50kVpof_tower_ohl_support_50kv
Current Probability of Failure for Towerspof_towers
Current Probability of Failure for 0.4/10kV Transformerspof_transformer_04_10kv
Current Probability of Failure for 6.6/11kV and 20kV Transformerspof_transformer_11_20kv
Current Probability of Failure for 132kv Transformerspof_transformer_132kv
Current Probability of Failure for 30/10kV and 60/10kV Transformerspof_transformer_30_60kv
Current Probability of Failure for 33/10kV and 66/10kV Transformerspof_transformer_33_66kv
Prediction function for Weibull modelpredict_weibull_model
Present Value of Future Riskpresent_value_future_risk
Calculates risk and converts to matrix coordinatesrisk_calculation
Make a risk matrix with individual asset pointsrisk_matrix_points_plot
Makes a default risk matrix structurerisk_matrix_structure
Make a risk matrix with non-linear spacingrisk_matrix_summary_plot
Safety Consequences of Failure for Switchgears, Transformers & Overhead Liness_cof_swg_tf_ohl
Safety cost of Failure for 0.4kV Boardsafety_cof_board_04kv
Safety cost of Failure for 0.4kV and 10kV UG Cablessafety_cof_cables_04_10kv
Safety cost of Failure for 30-60 kV UG cablessafety_cof_cables_60_30kv
Safety cost of Failure for EHV UG cables & 132 kV UG cablessafety_cof_ehv_cables
Safety cost of Failure for EHV/132kV Fittingssafety_cof_ehv_fittings
Safety cost of Failure for EHV swicthgear & 132kV CBsafety_cof_ehv_switchgear
Safety cost of Failure for HV Switchgear Distributionsafety_cof_hv_switchgear_distribution
Safety cost of Failure for HV Switchgear Primarysafety_cof_hv_switchgear_primary
Safety cost of Failure for LV swicthgear and otherssafety_cof_lv_switchgear_and_other
Safety cost of Failure for LV UGBsafety_cof_lv_ugb
Safety cost of Failure for Overhead Line Conductorssafety_cof_ohl_cond
Safety cost of Failure for 50kV Overhead Line Conductorssafety_cof_ohl_cond_50kv
Safety cost of Failure for 50kV Fittingssafety_cof_ohl_fittings_50kv
Safety cost of Failure for 0.4kV Pillarsafety_cof_pillar_04kv
Safety cost of Failure for Polesafety_cof_poles
Safety cost of Failure for Poles OHL Support 50kVsafety_cof_poles_ohl_support_50kv
Safety cost of Failure for Relayssafety_cof_relay
Safety cost of Failure for Service Linessafety_cof_serviceline
Safety cost of Failure for Sub cablessafety_cof_sub_cables
Safety cost of Failure for 10kV Submarine Cablessafety_cof_submarine_cables_10kv
Safety cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Submarine Cablessafety_cof_submarine_cables_30_60kv
Safety cost of Failure for 30kV and 60kV Switchgearsafety_cof_switchgear_30_60kv
Safety cost of Failure for 10kV Switchgear Primarysafety_cof_switchgear_primary_10kv
Safety cost of Failure for 10 kV Switchgear Secondarysafety_cof_switchgear_secondary_10kv
Safety cost of Failure for Tower OHL Support 50 kVsafety_cof_tower_ohl_support_50kv
Safety cost of Failure for towersafety_cof_towers
Safety cost of Failure for 30/10kv and 60/10kv Transformersafety_cof_transformer_30_60kv
Safety cost of Failure for Transformersafety_cof_transformers
Training function for Weibull modeltrain_weibull_model
Failure statistics dataset for 10,000 6.6/11kV transformerstransformer_11kv_faults